هو الله الخالق البارئ المصور. سورة الحشر الآية 24

Swahili - Al-Barwani : Yeye ndiye Mwenyezi Mungu Muumbaji Mtengenezaji Mtia sura Mwenye majina mazuri kabisa Kila kilioko katika mbingu na ardhi kinamtakasa naye ni Mwenye kushinda Mwenye hikima• It is Analogous to the engineer's putting marks on the ground of the full measurements of the building according to the plan, digging the foundations, raising the walls and completing alI the practical preliminaries of the construction work But you understand not their glorification
If one studies these names as mentioned in the Qur'an and the Hadith carefully, the can easily understand what words would be appropriate ant suitable if one has to remember Allah in another language

سورة الحشر الآية 24

Here, Allah's act of creation has been described in three separate stages, which take place one after the other.

القرآن الكريم
Contrary to this, AIIah has brought everything from non-existence into creation, and the substance itself of which He has made the universe is created by Him
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 他是真主,是创造者,是造化者,是赋形者,他有许多极美的称号,凡在天地间的,都赞颂他,他是万能的,是至睿的。 None of human plans is such as may not have been derived from previous models and plans
هو الله الذي لا إله إلا هو الملك
All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him
He should be remembered by those names which express His attributes of Perfection
82:8 Allah describing Himself as being Al-Musawwir, Who brings into existence anything He wills in the shape and form He decides Whatever man makes, he makes it by combining the substances created by AIIah

معنى اسم الله الخالق والباريء والمصور

Al-Khaliq refers to measuring and proportioning, Al-Bari refers to inventing and bringing into existence what He has created and measured.

هو الله الخالق البارئ المصور ۖ له الأسماء الحسنى ۚ يسبح له ما في السماوات والأرض ۖ وهو العزيز الحكيم
Truly, He is Ever Forbearing, Oft--Forgiving
الخالق البارئ المصور
Somali - Abduh : Eebe waa kan wax abuura ee ahaysiiya sawirana Magacyo fiicanna wuu leeyahay waxaana Eebe u tasbiixsada weyneeya waxa Cirka iyo dhulka ku sugan waana adkaade falame• The real Maker of forms and shapes is Allah, Who has given a unique and matchless shape to every species and individual and has never repeated exactly the same shape or from
سورة الحشر الآية 24
Everything praises and glorifies Allah Allah's statement,