سبح اسم ربك الأعلى. تفسير الاية الكريمة سبح اسم ربك الاعلى

meaning, he purifies himself from despised characteristics and he follows what Allah has revealed to the Messenger I have not seen the people of Al-Madinah happier with anything more than their happiness with his coming to Al-Madinah
Then they will sprout up like the sprouting of the seed on the moist bank of a flowing stream And remembers the Name of his Lord, and performs Salah Fasalla

الدرس : 1

So, He will cause them to die until they become burnt coal.

Tafsir of Surah 87 ﴾الأعلى﴿ Al
And remembers the Name of his Lord, and performs Salah
Tafsir of Surah 87 ﴾الأعلى﴿ Al
Thus, how can an intelligent person prefer that which is short-lived over that which is eternal
مراجعة درس سورة الأعلى
53:36-42 And so forth, until the end of these Ayat
There he will neither die nor live From here we get the etiquette of spreading knowledge, that it should not be wasted upon those who are not suitable or worthy of it
Qatadah said, "The Prophet did not forget anything except what Allah willed meaning, He knows what the creatures do openly and what they hide, whether it be statements or deeds

سورة الأعلى

And remembers the Name of his Lord, and performs Salah.

الدرس : 1
Then it will be said: "O people of Paradise! Then he will be recompensed with a full and the best recompense
القرآن الكريم/سورة الأعلى
And that man can have nothing but what he does
شرح وتفسير سورة الأعلى اسْمَ رَبِّكَ الأَعْلَى
And of Ibrahim who fulfilled or conveyed all that Allah ordered him to do or convey : that no burdened person with sins shall bear the burden sins of another