الحروف القمريه. الحروف القمرية interactive worksheet

Moon letters cause no changes to the preceding definite article For this and other Arabic grammar concepts, I recommend checking this for English speakers
Any Arabic letter not in this list is called a Moon letter Below is a breakdown of the steps explaining the application of Moon and Sun letters rule to Arabic words and letter we encounter:• Does it start with a Sun letter? What are the Sun and Moon letters? However, not the same could be said about Sun letters

الحروف الشمسية والقمرية

In addition, it is quite basic and easy to grasp and apply , and learners of Arabic have no excuse not observing the Sun letters rule.

ورقة عمل الحروف الشمسية والحروف القمرية
For practice, you can refer to the table below to practice the Moon and Sun letters
الحروف القمرية interactive worksheet
In other words, it only affects pronunciation and vocalization, not the spelling
الحروف الشّمسيّة والحروف القمريّة في اللّغة العربيّة
The purpose of this posting is to explain it in the most basic and simplest terms possible with examples
Why are they called Sun letters? How are the Sun letters pronounced with the definite article? Why are they called moon-letters? This is how the words end up
So, basically the Sun letters are the ones to watch out for Does it start with a Sun letter? I have also seen many advanced non-native speakers of Arabic who butcher the Sun letters

اختبار أل القمرية

It is important to focus on the Sun letters since they are the ones that matter.

الحروف الشمّسيّة والحروف القمريّة
Sun letter Moon letter meaning pronunciation example meaning pronunciation example Business man At-taziru father Al-abu Gown As-saubu door Al-babu cock Ad-diku garden Al-zannah gold Az-zahabu donkey Al-himaru man Ar-rozulu bread Al-khubzu flower Az-zahratu eye Al-ainu Fish As-samaku lunch Al-godau sun Ash-shamsu face Al-famu chest As-sodru moon Al-kwamaru guest Ad-doifu dog Al-kalbu student At-twalibu water Al-mau back Az-zahru boy Al-oladu meat Al-lahmu air Al-hawau star An-nazmu hand Al-yadu
الفرق بين اللام الشمسية واللام القمرية
Which ones are the Sun letters? Simply said, Moon letters are all the letters that are not Sun letters
هل تعرف الفرق بين اللام الشمسية واللام القمرية .. 3 فوارق بينهما
I have noticed that mispronouncing the sun-letters is one of the most common mistakes among beginners