كلمات شكر لصديق. عبارات شكر وتقدير الأصدقاء

What a great loss to the world
I wish I had been able to meet your mother and father In such moments the words would be superfluous

عبارات شكر وتقدير الأصدقاء

Please accept our deepest condolences for your loss.

عبارات شكر وتقدير الأصدقاء
My heart goes out to you
اولتراس سخنين يحيي الذكرى الأولى لرحيل المشجع صبحي
What a lovely person, who will be deeply missed
عبارات شكر وتقدير الأصدقاء
My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief
This is such a huge loss Our sincere condolences to the grieving families
I wish I could be there to comfort you as you grieve There are no words for such an unimaginable loss

رسالة شكر وتقدير لمدير الشركة

My heart goes out to you and to everyone who loved you.

أجمل عبارات جمعة مباركة 2021 مع صور تهنئة وادعية
Remembering your great love story today and always
اولتراس سخنين يحيي الذكرى الأولى لرحيل المشجع صبحي
My heart is heavy today, and I know yours is too
تعزية بالانجليزية مترجمة
We pray that the Good Lord to caress the souls of those left desolated after the tragic disappearance