بعوضة فما فوقها. Understanding Surah Baqarah Ayat 26 (2:26)

Those who do not wish to understand things and are not motivated by the urge to seek the truth become enmeshed in superficial questions relating to the Book of God, draw altogether erroneous conclusions when they encounter references to apparently insignificant things such as gnats, and are thereby thrown further and further away from the Truth Allah will keep firm those who believe, with the word that stands firm in life of this world i
Such is the case with the hypocrite and the disbeliever who lose their share of the mercy that Allah has in store for His servants on the Day of Resurrection

شرح إن الله لا يستحيي أن يضرب مثلا ما بعوضة فما فوقها : الحمد لله

Opponents objected to this on the grounds that such objects were too lowly to find a place in the Book of God.

البعوضة وما فوقها من الكائنات
Sedangkan 'dza' berarti yang berikut shilahnya atau kata-kata pelengkapnya menjadi khabar atau predikat, hingga maksudnya ialah 'apa gunanya? He misleadeth many thereby, and He guideth many thereby; and He misleadeth thereby only miscreants; SAHIH INTERNATIONAL Indeed, Allah is not timid to present an example — that of a mosquito or what is smaller than it
إن الله لايستحي ان يضرب مثلا ما بعوضة فما فوقها
However, when they are attributed to the people of Islam, then these terms refer to sin
بعوضة فما فوقها
Allah took their pledge to believe in His Oneness, showing them the signs that testify to His Lordship
Melayu - Basmeih : Sesungguhnya Allah tidak malu membuat perbandingan apa sahaja seperti nyamuk hingga ke suatu yang lebih daripadanya kerana perbuatan itu ada hikmatnya iaitu kalau orangorang yang beriman maka mereka akan mengetahui bahawa perbandingan itu benar dari Tuhan mereka; dan kalau orangorang kafir pula maka mereka akan berkata "Apakah maksud Allah membuat perbandingan dengan ini" Jawabnya Tuhan akan menjadikan banyak orang sesat dengan sebab perbandingan itu dan akan menjadikan banyak orang mendapat petunjuk dengan sebabnya; dan Tuhan tidak akan menjadikan sesat dengan sebab perbandingan itu melainkan orangorang yang fasik;• they sever the bond of kinship and are not good to their relatives , and work mischief in the land, on them is the curse i But He does not let anyone go astray thereby except those who are sinful
Ignoring this covenant constitutes breaking it English - Sahih International : Indeed Allah is not timid to present an example - that of a mosquito or what is smaller than it And those who have believed know that it is the truth from their Lord But as for those who disbelieve they say "What did Allah intend by this as an example" He misleads many thereby and guides many thereby And He misleads not except the defiantly disobedient• It was said that the Ayah 2:27 is about the disbelievers and the hypocrites among the People of the Book

يضرب مثلاً ما بعوضة

And the parable of an evil word is that of an evil tree uprooted from the surface of earth, having no stability.

الاعجاز العلمي في بعوضة فما فوقها
These are the characteristics of the disbelievers and they contradict the qualities of the believers
البعوضة المعجزة الإلهية
The mosquito lives as long as it needs food, but when it gets fat, it dies
إن اللهَ لَا يَسْتَحى أن يَضَربَ مَثلًا مَا بَعُوضَةً فَمَا فَوقَهَا
your servants to share as equals in the wealth we have bestowed on you 30:28
Opponents objected to this on the grounds that such objects were too lowly to find a place in the Book of God they are good to their relatives and do not sever the bond of kinship , and fear their Lord, and dread the terrible reckoning
Those who believe know that it is the truth from their Lord; but those who disbelieve say: What doth Allah wish to teach by such a similitude? Allah disdaineth not to coin the similitude even of a gnat Allah is not ashamed to propound the parable of a gnat, or even of something more lowly

تفسير قوله تعالى ..بعوضة فما فوقها..

Allah is not ashamed to propound the parable of a gnat, or even of something more lowly.

الإعجاز العلمي في بعوضة فما فوقها
Those who seek the Truth and possess true perception, on the other hand, penetrate through these superficialities and perceive the gems of wisdom that they embody
Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Sesungguhnya Allah tiada segan membuat perumpamaan berupa nyamuk atau yang lebih rendah dari itu Adapun orangorang yang beriman maka mereka yakin bahwa perumpamaan itu benar dari Tuhan mereka tetapi mereka yang kafir mengatakan "Apakah maksud Allah menjadikan ini untuk perumpamaan" Dengan perumpamaan itu banyak orang yang disesatkan Allah dan dengan perumpamaan itu pula banyak orang yang diberiNya petunjuk Dan tidak ada yang disesatkan Allah kecuali orangorang yang fasik• As for those who believe, they come to know from the same similitude that it is the Revelation from their Lord; but those who disbelieve, say, "What does Allah mean by such similitudes? eFasiq, includes the disbeliever and the disobedient
تفسير قول الله تعالى : (إن الله لا يستحيي أن يضرب مثلاً ما بعوضة فما فوقها)
Ada pun orang-orang yang beriman, maka mereka yakin bahwa ia , maksudnya perumpamaan itu benar , tepat dan cocok dengan situasinya dari Tuhan mereka, tetapi orang-orang kafir mengatakan, "Apakah maksud Allah menjadikan ini sebagai perumpamaan? It was also reported that the Ayah 2:27 refers to all disbelievers, idol worshippers and hypocrites