جوجل للترجمة. الأرشيف الوطني يواصل استعداداته لأكبر مؤتمر للترجمة في الإمارات

Among the Hebrews various articles of the high priest's clothing were blue LeMay, Renai July 29, 2005
Sapphire was the color of the Egyptian god Amon The application has many tests that assess the level

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Nakashima, Ellen August 12, 2008.

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The Hindoo god Vishnu was represented as blue
Masonic Dictionary
For this reason purple is adopted as the proper color for the Mark, the Past, and the Most Excellent Master degrees, to symbolize the fact that those degrees connect the Master Mason's degree with the Royal Arch
Second, blue is the supreme color because it has, coupled with its universality, a place in symbolism which, both as regards importance of lessons taught and as regards legitimacy as a symbol, is second to that of no Masonic color Therefore, in Masonry it is, properly, the color adopted for certain of the garments of investiture of the candidate
Green, being the unchanging color of the various evergreen trees, shrubs, and so forth, is, in the symbolistic system of Masonry, the color symbolic of the unchanging immortality of all that is divine and true Black from the remotest antiquity has been the symbol of grief and such is its significance to the Mason


Purple, being a mixture of blue and red, is, to the Mason, the symbol of fraternal union because it is composed of the color adopted for the Master Mason's Lodge and that adopted for the Chapter of Royal Arch Companions, these two Masonic bodies being indissolubly connected since the Royal Arch is an essential and component part of the present-day mutilated Master Mason's degree.

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And among the medieval Christians blue was considered a peculiarly important color
موقع تحميل الترجمة من اليوتيوب أون لاين (ترجمة اليوتيوب cc )
In his initiation into the Druidical Mysteries the candidate was invested with a robe one of whose colors was blue
Bright, Peter August 27, 2008
Thus he is brought to a consideration of the symbolism of colors and, more particularly, to a consideration of the symbolism of blue The application contains a forum for discussion and questions
Two people familiar with that facility, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that it was operating at about 50 megawatts — enough to power 37,500 homes — but was built to handle even more capacity Finally and preeminently, and following the teachings and conceptions of the Egyptians aald the Hindoos, blue is the symbol of that which the Craftsman must, since he is a Mason, always revere and of that which his Master Mason's lodge must, when its work and its teachings are properly understood and accepted, cause him to Progressively revere the more Divine Wisdom


First, because it is that color which, among all those used in Masonry, is the unquestioned Masonic possession of every Mason.

Liedtke, Michael 11 December 2007
مواقع ترجمة المحتوى و النصوص أفضل من جوجل
Russet- brown was the color given to the flesh of Thoueri, the concubine of Typhon
Thus red is the color assigned to the Royal Arch Degree since that degree teaches the regeneration of life