معلومات عن الملك عبدالله. عبد الله بن عبد العزيز آل سعود

King Abdullah Take over the rule of the kingdom in 1995 when King Fahd suffered a stroke that left him unable to manage the affairs of the Kingdom
Tel Aviv, Israel: Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University He was officially declared in power in 1996 and his inauguration as king in 2005

عبد الله الثاني بن الحسين

In 1982, King Fahd was appointed King of the Kingdom and on the day of his inauguration he issued his decision that King Abdullah to become crown prince, along with his former posts as First Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the National Guard.

اين تقع مدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية ( معلومات تفصيلية)
Retrieved on 28 July 2015
بحث عن الملك عبدالله
The death of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz in 2015, he was 91 years old, the funeral and burial was held in the cemetery of the oud
معلومات عن الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز،معلومات عن ملوك المملكة،معلومات عن الاسرة المالكة
Philip Robins 9 February 2004
King Hussein 31 July 1988 Establishment of the King Abdullah Center for Petroleum Studies and Research
Robins, Philip 9 February 2004 Conversion of the Presidency of the National Guard to the Ministry

بحث عن الملك عبدالله

King Abdullah took up his post as deputy prime minister under the reign of King Khalid, may God have mercy on him, in addition to his post as head of the National Guard.

معلومات عن شركة عبدالله فؤاد
He made the National Guard an organized force and a distinguished military institution with many tasks of protecting the homeland
بحث عن الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز معلومات و تقرير عن الملك عبدالله
Kamal Salibi 15 December 1998
نبذة مختصرة عن الملك عبدالله
The birth of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz in Riyadh in 1924, and raised by his father, King Abdul Aziz, which was the first and most important educator, where he learned the matters of governance and politics and how to manage the country, Where he studied Quran, Sunnah and science at the hands of a number of teachers and sheikhs, as well as riding and equestrian skills