منصة قوه. Nietzsche: The Power Within Us

Alas, the time of the most despicable man is coming, he that is no longer able to despise himself But this attempt to find meaning cannot hold up either, as far as Nietzsche was concerned, and leads to its own kind of disillusionment, making it the third and final kind of nihilism
The first kind is lack of purpose: When we have sought a meaning in existence that cannot be found Procreation is only one aspect of flourishing

Nietzsche: The Power Within Us

Why things change has been a matter for thinkers since the beginning of western philosophy.

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The point of the Overman, it seems, was to present a spiritual ideal that is opposed to the common ideals of moral virtue
Nietzsche: The Power Within Us
source: Wikimedia Commons Caption: Nietzsche believed that cultural nihilism sets in when people no longer believe in the place they are told they have in the grand scheme of things
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The impulse to flourish in living things invariably brings them into conflict
Nothing is stable and war and conflict is the most pointed expression of that fact Parmenides born circa 515 BCE believed that change is an illusion, that all things are one and the same
Often we are not even aware of these impulses Schopenhauer reasoned that the best thing to do was renounce this will and to find peace instead in art and compassion

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Above all, a living thing wants to discharge its strength — life itself is will to power: self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most infrequent consequences of this.

منصة إرادة تقنية
His published works nevertheless point to the will to power as an impersonal force, but probably one that is observable only in the living world
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Nietzsche did not help himself in this respect, his views would be unpalatable to the majority of modern readers
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Every day we meet obstacles to our desires