حسبنا الله وكفى. حسبنا الله سيؤتينا الله من فضله تويتر

Zyada takleef hai tou get lost 10 How is the tea? Randi rona karna hai tou karo lekin hum aap ke baap ke personal hitsquad nahi hein
This is a totally non-ghazi move Thanks to for the banner Rules: is mostly a lawless piece of land freedom!! We're not , say what you feel

مقدمة ثناء على الله : الحمد لله

Did you manage to piss off a mod? This is a circlejerk subreddit that will mostly consist of trolls, shit posts and satire.

حزب النَّصْرِ للإمام أبي الْحَسَنِ الشَّاذِلِيّ
8 No Indian content except content concerning Indian Occupied Kashmir All content involving India except IOK-centered posts and comments will be removed
مقدمة ثناء على الله : الحمد لله
Are we just reminding people of what happened in 2013 for some reason, or are we saying this is the result of Israeli air strikes on Gaza in retaliation for the rocket attacks on
شرح فقرة: الله وكفى، سمع الله لمن
This includes brigading in and other sister subs
6 Harassment, Hatred, Haramtopi, Horniness Hiding behind humour while spewing toxic degeneracy is not okay and will never be okay Did your feefees get hurt cuz a mod didn't like your horseshit? Ya Allah Israel aur Palestine ko apnay hifz o eman mein rakh aur palestinians ko seedhi rah dikha
3 No personal info in screenshots, no doxxing If only israel would extend iron dome to protect Palestinians from hamas rockets as well

دعاء التحصين

Go back to whatsapp if you're a xenophobic bigot.

فضل قول حسبي الله وكفى
5 Don't self promote without adding to the discussion
حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَ نِعْمَ الْوَ كِيلُ : chutyapa
We consider Ladakh, China, Russia and Amerika relevant too
الفرق بين قول عمر حسبنا كتاب وقول الامام علي (ع) بالكتاب حجيجاً وخصيماً
Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our and
Taking part in brigades of any kind, excluding fire brigades and military brigades, is not allowed
full freedom is only for Pakistanis and Kashmiris but the thullay mods will have their danday ready if you break these basic rules: 1 Don't offend the tullay

ما فائدة قول حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل

It's unethical, it's annoying, and you should just get a fucking life.

رمزيات حسبي الله وكفى
دعاء التحصين
حسبنا الله سيؤتينا الله من فضله تويتر
Welcome to Ghabrana naheen hai! 2 Posts must be relevant to ghazis