حساب الايام. حاسبة العمر

If the deference between the two dates are "0 to 5" calendar days than the final result is "Y" and if the deference between the two dates are "greater than 5" or "less than 0" than final result is "N" Hi, Please provide the formula which include two conditions
I've tried adding an IF formula, but can't get it right Yet same formula for June 2019 with 21 working days gives the expected answer of 30-June-19


Is there a way I can either ignore the blank cell and not return a value or just have a "0" in the cell?.

حاسبة العمر
I want to return a "0" in that cell when that occurs
حساب الفرق بين تاريخين
I am trying to calculate the number of days between dates but there are some cells where the 1st date may be blank
حساب عدد الأيام
INTL START,DAYS,WEEKEND,HOLIDAYS also causes issues, we work Sun-Thu, so weekend option is 7, yet this formula isn't consistent either, May 2019 has 22 working days DAYS , this makes the result 02-Jun-19, which is the 2nd working day of June! I always have Start Date, with set number of working days to complete various activities

حساب عدد الأيام


حاسبة العمر
عدد الأيام بين التواريخ في Excel

كيف أحسب أيام الإباضة


حساب عدد الأيام
احسب الأيام بين التواريخ أو حساب تاريخ مستقبلي أو سابق
كيف تحسب عدد الأيام وأيام العمل وعطلات نهاية الأسبوع بين تاريخين في إكسيل؟