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Imagine a no-compromise CDN custom built for your unique requirements with complete control in your hands No more lost users from typing errors like ww
However, the frequency of its daily, common use differs from language to language Even if all of your servers in every data center are unavailable, your users will still receive some reassurance that you will be back

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Our managed authoritative dns hosting services deliver the DNS uptime and availability that are crucial to your success.

com monitors your servers and tailors dns answers automatically to include only servers that are currently available in the defined set
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The pointing mechanism is specially designed to inform and reassure human users while also avoiding search engine penalties
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This includes the public interfaces of single or redundant hardware load balancers and caching appliances in your data center
Certainly, much of this also exists in other cultures, but it is only in Persianate culture that it is expressed with a direct and succinct three-letter word, consonant-vowel-consonant — the perfect syllable, without beating around the bush When your servers are unavailable, your visitors are pointed to a information page hosted on edgedirector
These advanced dns based capabilities work together to provide your users with the best service possible Combine global load balancing with local load balancing for the best server response time and greatest resilience to service interruptions

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The service is further enhanced with an advanced dns feature set to help you stay at the front of the internet pack.

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No more waiting for dns updates
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Designated subscriber administrators are automatically notified of outages for corrective action
com authoritative dns server platform is scalable, flexible, and responsive DNS availability is critical to delivering your audience to your site on demand around the clock
Once the server is back online, it will again be included in the server pool How do we define the Homo Persicus? Users can be directed to a default server when the hostname does not exist in your dns zone

managed dns services

It delivers accurate dns responses quickly and propagates dns zone record changes immediately to all dns servers.

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more on managed dns services
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You can easily deliver geotargeted content from single or multiple content distribution servers