القدس الشرقية. حي الشيخ جراح في القدس الشرقية: القصة الكاملة لأطول قضايا المحاكم الإسرائيلية!

Palestine under the Moslems, pp The Politics of Jerusalem Since 1967
The Applied Research Institute — Jerusalem Allison Hodgkins, "The Judaization of Jerusalem — Israeli Policies Since 1967"; PASSIA publication No

قصة الحي الفلسطيني الذي شغل العالم

Moshe Hirsch; Deborah Housen-Couriel; Ruth Lapidot 28 June 1995.

54 عاما على احتلال القدس الشرقية ومحنة الفلسطينيين متواصلة
Guttman, Lior June 15, 2010
القدس الغربية
Society and Settlement: Jewish Land of Israel in the Twentieth Century
في القدس الشرقية
, "Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: The First Temple Period" SBL Symposium Series 18; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003• Alperovich, Gershon; Joseph Deutsch April 1996
The general consensus is that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre marks the hill called Golgotha, and that the site of the Crucifixion and the last five Stations of the Cross are located under its large black domes
Taylor, Christians and the Holy Places: The Myth of Jewish-Christian Origins, , 1993, p Taking Space Seriously: Law, Space and Society in Contemporary Israel

القدس الشرقية مسرح لصدامات فلسطينية

"Economic Life in Ottoman Jerusalem"; Cambridge University Press, 1989• The Washington Post via Cornell University.

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
قصة الحي الفلسطيني الذي شغل العالم
However its claims of sovereign rights to the city are stronger with respect to West Jerusalem than with respect to East Jerusalem
القدس الشرقية تقترب من نقطة الغليان
1834 Palestinian Arab Revolt: Joel Beinin 2001 Workers and peasants in the modern Middle East Cambridge University Press, p 33• London: C W Daniel and Company
A Will to Survive — Israel: the Faces of the Terror 1948-the Faces of Hope Today 2 0 0 0 0
Martin Sicker, Pangs of the Messiah: The Troubled Birth of the Jewish State Praeger 2000 p State University of New York Press

القدس الغربية

Silverburg, Pakistan and the West Bank: A research note, Middle Eastern Studies, 19:2 1983 261—263.

القدس الشرقية
The Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614 AD
The Politics of Jerusalem Since 1967
54 عاما على احتلال القدس الشرقية ومحنة الفلسطينيين متواصلة
Jerusalem: Before 1967 and now