عدد سكان السعودية. السعودية

The population of Saudi Arabia with citizens before 2000 Below we present a statistic of the population of Saudi Arabia with citizens, which was recorded in the years prior to the year 2000 AD, as follows:• While the world population has reached 6,956,823 Jeddah: Its population is estimated at 2,867
Jizan: Its population is estimated at 105,198 thousand people And the people of the desert: They are the Bedouins who were settled after they left the life of nomads

عدد سكان السعودية

3 deaths for every 1,000 new births.

قائمة مدن السعودية حسب عدد السكان
Buraidah: Its population is estimated at 391,336 thousand people
كم عدد سكان مدن السعودية 2020
While the world population has reached 6,143,493
كم عدد سكان السعودية 2021 / 1442 التعداد السكاني في المملكة
Al-Shifa: Its population is estimated at 72,190 thousand people
Jefrey Lewis - Arms Control Wonk The annual increase rate was about 105
While the world population has reached 6,541,907 The annual increase rate will also reach 279,931 people

كم عدد سكان السعودية 2021 / 1442 التعداد السكاني في المملكة

While it is located between two coasts, the Red Sea to its west, and the Arabian Gulf to its east.

قائمة مدن السعودية حسب عدد السكان
The population of Saudi Arabia with citizens after 2021 Below we present a statistic of the Saudi population with citizens, which is expected to be recorded in the subsequent years of 2021 AD, as follows:• The average age in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is estimated at about 75
كم عدد سكان المملكة العربية السعودية
2045 AD: It is expected that the population of Saudi Arabia with citizens will reach about 43,648,838 million people
كم عدد سكان مدن السعودية 2020
The results of the research indicates that more than two-thirds of the Saudi workforce is concentrated among individuals aged 25-44 67