سلطة جرجير. Jordanian cuisine

In villages, meals are a community event with immediate and extended family present Soups [ ] In Jordan, meals are usually started with soups
Jordanian cuisine is also influenced by the cuisines of groups who have made a home for themselves in modern Jordan, including , , , , and Another name for this dish is

Jordanian cuisine

The blend of spices called contains a common local herb called that grows wild in Jordan and is closely identified with Jordanian and other Mideastern cuisines.

كم مدة سلق البيض
Then dried coriander is stirred in with freekeh and cooked
is also usually served on more formal occasions
ما حقيقة أضرار الجرجير للحامل؟
Abud—a dense, unleavened traditional Jordanian Bedouin flatbread baked directly in a wood fire by burying in ash and covering with hot embers
Karadeesh—a traditional Jordanian bread made from corn
There are a wide variety of techniques used in Jordanian cuisine ranging from , and to stuffing of , , , etc Oregano, sage, or sumac can also be mixed in


Shrak—a traditional Bedouin bread, popular in Jordan and the region as a whole.

ما حقيقة أضرار الجرجير للحامل؟
Also common in Jordanian cuisine is or preparing foods with special sauces
قصة عمر بن الخطاب
tossed with pieces of dry or fried flatbread and seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice and sumac
Mansaf is a traditional dish made of lamb cooked in a sauce of fermented dried yogurt called and served with rice or bulgur
To celebrate the birth of a child, , a caraway-flavoured pudding, is commonly served to guests Meat is fried in oil and braised with water, salt, and cinnamon bark
Other varieties may include cheese or ground meat and in this case it's called Another famous meat dish in Southern Jordan, especially in the Desert area of and , is the which is prepared in a submerged oven called a , and is considered a delicacy

وصفات لذيذة لتحضير السلطة بمكونات في مطبخك: صحية ومفيدة للرجيم

is commonly served alongside food and is a common ingredient itself; in particular, , a form of dried yogurt is unique to Jordanian cuisine and a main ingredient in the national dish of , and a symbol in Jordanian culture for generosity.

A large plate of Jordanian in , Jordan
Jordanian cuisine
Jordanians serve family, friends, and guests with great pride in their homes, no matter how modest their means
كم مدة سلق البيض
and flavored with or are almost ubiquitous in Jordan