John Man — Kublai Khan, p | This was confirmed by the entry of France into the war in 1744 |
Rein Taagepera "Expansion and Contraction Patterns of Large Polities: Context for Russia", International Studies Quarterly Vol | Timothy May — Chormaqan, p |
Michael Prawdin - Mongol Empire and its legacy, p | — Cambridge history of Iran, vol |
First attack on Cartagena de Indias 13—20 March 1740 Spanish Admiral Don 1741 Destruction of the fortress of San Lorenzo el Real Chagres 22—24 March 1740 | Allsen-Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia, p |
The history of Yuan Dynasty and Spuler - Golden Horde• 391-408, Encyclopdeia of Mongolia and Mongol Empire - see: Ahmad Fanakati• The tale of the ear's separation from Jenkins, following the boarding of his vessel by Spanish coast guards in 1731, provided the impetus to war against the Spanish Empire, ostensibly to encourage the Spanish not to renege on the lucrative contract permission to sell slaves in.