Attach a copy of the lease contract, if rented | |
Determine the type of irrigation in the farm, and record the rest of the data, if any | Attach a copy of the agricultural record |
Fill in all the main information of the farm, with the necessity to fill in the mandatory fields, attach the required documents, and then locate the farm on the map.
10Create an account on the portal | Attach a copy of the legal power of attorney if the applicant is an agent |
Choose the beneficiary's ownership type of the farm, enter the ownership information, and attach all the documents | Examine the farm's previous irrigation system, if any |
The branch manager approves what the technician and engineering design has sent.
1After the approval of the specialist, the nearest water source to the farm is determined | Read the conditions, and attach all the required documents, to avoid canceling the request |
The branch manager approval is based on what has been clarified by the technician in charge | Attach a copy of the legal power of attorney if the applicant is an agent |
Attach a copy of the lease contract, if rented.