حدد ثلاث مهام يجب على وزير الاقتصاد القيام بها. Director General Dr Walid Ammar CV

It is that the lack of access to education and health care services in Mauritania would make such conditions unreasonable 100,000 of those will eventually receive cash transfers and the Registry may be used for other purposes as well
In the present statement, I will focus at some length on two specific important issues 4 billion Ouguiyas in 2013, but rose to 21 billion Ouguiyas in 2015 and is expected to cost 21


Children are often affected by malaria and diarrhea.

قانون رقم 00
Annex: Details of the Mission The Special Rapporteur visited Mauritania from 2 to 11 May 2016 at the invitation of the Government
حدد ثلاث مهام اقتصادية ليس من وظيفة وزير الاقتصاد
Although its annual report for 2015 should by now have been published, it has not been, and the agency was unable to provide me with any detailed account of its recent overall activities
He also visited bidonvilles in El Mina district and Dar El Beida neighbourhood
e Accurate and disaggregated data Mauritania has a strong professional Office of National Statistics, but the ways in which many statistics are collected, analysed and presented by the Government bears the hallmarks of political interference Nouakchott, 11 May 2016 1
But World Bank data indicate that the rate was as high as 655 in 2013 and that it was 602 in 2015 Those households in which the head of household works in farming or livestock rearing have poverty rates of 59

وزارة الاقتصاد والتخطيط (السعودية)

None of this is to suggest that the cash transfer program is per se problematic.

Consideration should be given to the establishment of a Friends of Mauritania group, bringing together the major donors to discuss priorities in advance of their regular meetings with the Government
d One way to reduce the chance of exclusion errors would be to change the order of the targeting process by starting the local selection process with a proxy-means test and subsequently let the result be validated by local communities in a manner that ensures the participation of all affected individuals
Public spending on the Emel program peaked in 2012 with 32
He also met with high-level technical experts within the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Tadamoun Agency Although by no means confined to them, this is especially problematic for those Afro-Mauritanians who were expelled in the late 1980s and early 1990s in the context of the passif humanitaire, whose identity documents were taken or lost, and upon return have had severe difficulties to restore their identity documents and enjoy their full citizenship rights
This was a school that was built in 2015 in Dar el Barka, but which has not yet opened for students While there have been significant achievements in recent years, especially in relation to urban areas, the situation is very different in regions such as Gorgol, Trarza, and Brakna, in which large numbers of people continue to live in crushing poverty

حدد ثلاث مهام اقتصادية ليس من وظيفة وزير الاقتصاد

In terms of the design of the cash transfer program, several observations are in order.

وزارة الاقتصاد والتخطيط (السعودية)
As a result both of the massaging of the data, and the refusal to disaggregate it in terms of ethnicity, language and other such vital dimensions, it is extremely difficult to obtain an accurate and consistent picture of most areas of social life, and effective policy design is made a great deal more difficult as a result
وزارة الاقتصاد والتخطيط (السعودية)
While the Minister of Finance and Economy suggested that the space in the budget that opens up as a result of any phasing out of Emel would be taken up by the cash transfer program or other social protection measures, this does not at all seem to be the expectation of any other actors
Interlocutors assured me that the school was on a scale unknown even in Nouakchott