وحدة قياس شدة الاضاءة. استضاءة

A strong key light casts shadows that are more pronounced The light rays in orange emanate from the source and fall on the card
Since the size of the subject is fixed, it only absorbs a a part of the light it originally did

وحدة قياس شدة التيار

Most of the studio setups employ a key light — the primary light employed to illuminate the subject and fill light which is used to lighten the shadows being cast due to the key light.

الدرس الأول: التعريف بواحدات قياس الفيض الضوئي وشدة الضوء والتحويل بينها
The correct lighting setup can help you get astonishing results and a poor setup can totally ruin the shot
شدة الاضاءة ووحدة قياسها
8:1 ratio: Results in very dramatic and low key image
ما هي وحدة قياس الاستضاءة تفاصيل وحدة قياس الضوء
On one hand you need to be familiar with the features and , to assess the impact of lights on the final result; on the other hand you need to get creative and play around with the to render form, mood and drama to the capture
, technology uk, Retrieved 1-4-2018 Henry Semat,Robert Katz 1958 , , america: University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Page 673
Lighting is a unification of both art and science RASHID, , Page 331, Part 16


A combination of a strong key light and a weaker fill light allows more shadows thereby enhancing the contours and the contrast in the portrait.

But varying the distance affects the quality of light too
شمعة (وحدة قياس)
Artificial light is also used in fashion and glamor photography where it has to be balanced with the naturally available light
جهاز قياس شدة الإضاءة
Thus the lighting has to be taken care of during the shoot itself
Additionally as a corollary, as the distance between the light source and subject increases, the apparent size of the source decreases It is therefore crucial to get yourself equipped with the techniques of lighting, the nature of light and its effective uses
Sadiku, , Page 60-63, Part 2 RASHID, , Page 539-540, Part 23

شمعة (وحدة قياس)

The photographer takes the reading of light intensity from each light source and thereafter adjust the intensity of light for each source to effectively put lighting ratios to action.

جهاز قياس شدة الإضاءة
Boylestad, , Page 103, Part 4
شمعة (وحدة قياس)
In order to control these, a soft-light source is employed as fill-light
جهاز قياس شدة الإضاءة
Knowing the inverse square law and the lighting ratio can greatly help you in creating compelling images