السن القانوني. السن القانوني

Selling alcoholic beverages to people under 18 is illegal, buying alcoholic beverages for someone else under the age of 18 is also illegal It is illegal to permit minors under the age of 18 to consume alcoholic beverages unless under medical supervision or in an emergency
A "young person" is defined as anyone under the age of 17 by the Children and Young Persons Act, 1949 Section 2 However this means that de facto anyone selling, serving or supplying alcohol should check if the buyer has attained the age of 16 years

حد أدنى لسن الزواج

Minors consuming alcohol in public are committing a criminal offence.

السن القانوني لاستهلاك الخمر
Carinthia also requires adolescents to maintain a blood alcohol level below 0
الشركة السعودية للكهرباء
A person under the age of 19 who was supplied liquor in this manner is permitted to consume the liquor only in the place it was supplied
قائمة الدول حسب الحد الأدنى لسن القيادة
18 The drinking age was previously 21 but was lowered to 18 in 2009
Every point of sale or establishment serving alcohol, is required to post a notice stating that the sale of alcohol to minors under 18 years of age is illegal None 18 Introduced in January 2006, but not enforced to practice
However, in the age limits varies between 18 and 21 years of age 18 It is illegal to sell, serve or supply any alcoholic drink to a minor under 18 years of age

حد أدنى لسن الزواج

But all states have set a minimum age of 18 years, and in no state it is illegal for minors to buy and consume alcohol.

حد أدنى لسن الزواج
It is not illegal for minors to buy, attempt to buy or consume alcohol
السن القانوني لدخول المدرسه الابتدائيه للاولاد ؟؟؟؟؟
It is also illegal for minors to consume, buy or attempt to buy alcohol
Therefore, it is illegal to sell fermented alcohol e None 18 It is illegal to sell, serve or supply any alcoholic beverage to a person under 18 years of age
18 18 None 18 18 18 18 Illegal 18 The parent, adult guardian of a minor or a person responsible for administering a religious sacrament, may on occasion supply to that minor a moderate quantity of liquor to be consumed by the minor in the presence and under the supervision of that parent, guardian or other person The law permits adults from the ages 18 to 21 to consume, purchase and buy alcoholic beverages if accompanied by a person 21 years of age or older

السن القانوني للعمل

In all countries have set a minimum purchase age of 18 years, except for where minors aged 16 or 17 may consume a glass of beer, wine or cider in a restaurant provided they buy a meal, and the only country with a minimum legal purchase and drinking age of 20 years.

السن القانوني للشراب
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
The African Child Information Hub
قائمة الدول حسب الحد الأدنى لسن القيادة
Minors aged 16 or 17 may consume wine, beer or cider on licensed premises when ordered with a meal