العقد الموحد مكتب العمل. عقد العمل ومدته

The Second Party shall comply with the laws and regulations applied by the First Party Second party shall submit vacation request and first party may determine the date of this vacation in according with work circumstances
Second party shall work for extra time in case he is assigned by the first party to do so Article 6 : Leaves Second party shall be entitled for regular leave of 30 days per year after completion of 1 year of consecutive service at the first party

بعد تطبيق «العقد الموحد».. المكاتب ترفض طلبات الاستقدام الجديدة

If the second party is proved to have misconduct or committed any unmoral behavior.

تحميل نموذج عقد العمل الموحد لوزارة العمل السعودية 2021
The company shall have the right to promptly terminate this contract as per a written notice and disciplinary actions might be taken in the following cases : a
عقد العمل ومدته
The above preamble is considered as part and parcel of this contract
بعد تطبيق «العقد الموحد».. المكاتب ترفض طلبات الاستقدام الجديدة
Second Party is entitled to one air ticket from Saudi Arabia to his country of origin and back as per item three of paragraph A
The Second Party must not disclose any of the above secrets during the validity of this contract and within two years following its expiry Subject to the probation period and the provisions of a and b above, the First Party shall have the right to terminate this contract prior to the expiry of its original or renewed term by virtue of a minimum of 30 days prior written notice
Second Party is entitled to medical insurance of B class The Second Party shall observe good conduct and maintain cordial relationship with others, whether inside or outside the Company

نموذج عقد عمل سعودي نسخة 2020 عربي و انجليزي

In case of absence from work due to sickness the Second Party must support the case by a certificate from a doctor approved by the company.

عقد عمل سعودي word جاهز وقابل للتعديل بنسختين عربية وانكليزية 2021.
31- This contract has been issued in two copies, each party having a copy
العقد الموحد مكتب العمل
Article 10 : contract copies This contract is executed in two original copies, where each party retained a copy to act accordingly
بعد تطبيق «العقد الموحد».. المكاتب ترفض طلبات الاستقدام الجديدة
30- Any conflict arising on this contract or any of its articles shall be solved amicably
He also recognizes that the approved and applicable date in this contract is according to the Gregorian Calendar The Second Party agrees to work for the First Party in the position of …
32- In the case of resignation of the second party from the company, the first party will not issue the no-objection certificate The Second Party acknowledges that any research or invention he makes shall be the property of the First Party

تحميل نموذج عقد العمل الموحد لوزارة العمل السعودية 2021

The First Party may provide suitable housing and in such case the Second Party shall not be entitled to housing allowance.

نموذج عقد العمل الموحد تحميل بصيغة DOCX
Second party shall be entitled for fully paid vacation as follows: — Three days in case of marriage — Three days in case of death of any of his relatives — One day in case of having new born baby
ما هو الرقم الموحد لمكتب العمل ؟
The above preamble is consider and integral part of this contract
بعد تطبيق «العقد الموحد».. المكاتب ترفض طلبات الاستقدام الجديدة
Second party shall not leave any party of his vacations that exceeds 60 days during the whole period of service as the exceeding days will drop off