تعريف الربا. ما هو الربا؟

What constitutes Riba, has, however, been a subject evoking deliberation and debate over the centuries that followed divine revelation Siddiqi, Mohammad Nejatullah 1 January 2004
"Riba and Interest in Islamic Banking: an Historical Review" The Oxford Dictionary of Islam

ما هو تعريف الربا في العالم المعاصر؟ علي جمعة يجيب.. فيديو

Muslims have always agreed that Riba is prohibited.

Those who equate riba with interest seek support from al-Jassas, who claimed that pre-Islamic Arabia practiced a form of riba where money was lent at a predetermined sum over the principal amount
ماهو الربا وأنواعه ؟
However, there is no historical evidence to suggest that riba al-jahiliya also consisted of transactions that were similar to modern loans on interest
ما تعريف الربا
Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World
"Riba and Interest in Islamic Banking: an Historical Review"
981] no date , Ahkam al-Quran, V

المطلب الأول: تعريف الربا


ما هو الربا؟
التفريغ النصي
أنواع الربا

تعريف الربا وبيان أنواعه


ما تعريف الربا
تعريف الرّبا وحكمه